A Gift for Learning to Use C# with Azure


I recently found out at the last minute that the C# Advent Calendar was missing some gifts, and so I volunteered to bring on another. I will come back to my Gremlin posts and talk about filtering, aggregating, and sorting later. That deviates from C#. Instead, I want to introduce you to a gift I was shown these past couple months that I don’t think everyone knows about.

Starting with the common gifts

I have to admit that I’ve learned a lot about Microsoft technologies over the years through their tutorials and quickstarts. These are some C# experiences for learning about C# and Azure.

There’s a vast amount of links at: Azure for .NET developers.

Microsoft Learn is another one of my favorite places to learn on technologies. For those who are on Microsoft Learn and want to explore some learning paths with C#, these should be considered:

Now my most recent favorite gift

In the past couple months, I’ve learned more about Azure products than I ever expected to learn all year. That’s thanks to learning about Microsoft Cloud Workshops. (Disclaimer: You will see me in some of these. I am not writing about these because of that. I am writing about these because… GREAT KNOWLEDGE DROPS!)

What are these things?

Think of them like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” for learning. You could go through a hands-on lab or a whiteboarding session. You could put together a workshop gathering with friends and community members and learn as a group. If you want to solo learn through this, you can go through the labs on your own as well.

The common pieces you will see in these include:

  • Whiteboard session + guidance for delivering it
  • Hands-on lab with Before and After Lab guidance

How do these relate to C#?

There are many Microsoft Cloud Workshops that involve C#. You will see some familiar names from Microsoft demos. Check these out!

How long do these take?

Their durations are included for each of the exercises in the pre-lab setup (also known as Before Hands-On Lab), the Hands-On Lab, as well as in the whiteboard design sessions.

Do you have recommendations for C# + Azure resources?

This is just some of the few resources I wanted to share with the C# Advent community. However, I know there are more of you out there with treasured gifts to share as well. If you have a C# + Azure resource you’d like others to know about, leave a comment below!


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